We often give extra discounts to our customers in the form of Coupon Codes. These can be available on the website (usually on the home page) and/or at a landing page for a Special Offer or, more usually as part of an email to our Newsletter subscribers. Most times the code will NOT be able to be combined with any other offer but there are occasional exceptions. These codes are usually for specific promotions and will have an expiration date applied to them.
If you sign up for our Newsletter — as a "Thank You" — you will receive an email with a one-time code offering 10% Off your next order. It cannot be combined with any other offer or promotion, or for items in the "Close-out" section and is not able to be used more than once. If you unsubscribe from the newsletter then re-subscribe, it will not work. This code also cannot be used during site-wide, blanket discounts that we sometimes run. However, it does not expire, so you can hold onto it for use in the future.
- We do not allow discount codes to be combined with other offers. No "double-dip" to give a greater discount on any specific product or sale item.
- We do allow multiple coupon codes to be claimed so long as the codes are for different offers and they are current and on-going.
- You may enter multiple codes in the same Coupon code field, separated by a comma.
- Our coupon codes will have an expiration date, after which the discount will not be honored.
- When "Site-wide, No Coupon Code Required" Offers are in effect, any active coupon codes will be disabled by default [see (1) above] for the period of the Offer.
- Products featured in the "Close-out" section are excluded from all promotions.
- Products featured in the "Antiques" section are excluded from all promotions, however we are open to discussion regarding the sale price displayed. Call us!
- Free Shipping (if offered) refers to free Ground shipping with applicable coupon and offer only. Valid only when shipping within the 48 contiguous states. Not valid when shipping to multiple addresses. No adjustments to prior purchases. Free shipping is valid for online orders only.
- If you have any questions regarding a specific code or promotion please call our customer service at 718.805.2122.