Iron On White Crumpled Fabric. Homework, Ironing.

Should I Iron My Cotton Sheets?

To iron or not to iron? When it comes to cotton bedding, that is the question isn’t it. And frankly it’s one most people are inclined to ignore or cast off as an unnecessary luxury, because ironing sheets can be a downright hassle. But is the hassle worth it?

We’re taking a look at all the reasons why you might want to iron your cotton bedding, along with some ironing tips and tricks if you decide it’s worth it to you.

First some things to consider when deciding to iron your cotton bedding.

Are my current sheets worth the effort?

Usually, the better the quality of your sheets, the better motivation for keeping them crisp, soft and beautiful. If you don’t iron properly or the materials are not adequate, ironing lesser-quality sheets can feel like a lot of time wasted—and it’s quite possible you could do more harm than good. So, the first thing we recommend you do is determine if your current bedding should be replaced with higher quality fabrics. Explore our huge selection of bedding to see if an upgrade is in order for you.

What kind of look do I want?

If you love that crisp, smooth bedding style you might find in an elegant hotel room, ironing is something you definitely want to consider. Especially if you have cotton sheets which tend to crease more easily. Ironing will smooth out those creases and other wrinkles to leave your bed looking and feeling outstanding.

If you’re more a fan of the laid back, casual/messy look, ironed sheets may not be what you want. However, it’s worth keeping in mind that the benefits of ironing your bedding go way beyond looks.

What are the benefits of ironing your bedding?

To the naked eye, the most obvious reason for ironing sheets is to get that chic, wrinkle-free look, but there are so many other perks to taking this extra step of care.

  • Ironing cotton bedding can actually improve the quality of your sheets. Not only does the heat help seal up any gaps in the fabric to enhance the structure of the material, but it can actually make the sheets smoother and softer over time. In this way, you can have bedding that lasts a long time and keeps getting better with age. This is especially true when you invest in premium quality bedding.
  • It gets rid of nasty germs and bacteria. Washing your sheets will remove some of the unwanted bacteria, but for some microorganisms, ironing is the only way to completely eliminate them.
  • Reduces or eliminates shrinking. If you’ve ever made the bed and your sheet just doesn’t feel like it’s fitting like it used to, it probably isn’t. Despite many claims from cleaning brands, over time and several washes, sheets can shrink. To keep your sheets ship shape, the heat from the iron is one of the best ways to keep them from shrinking.
  • Removes odors. Clean your sheets religiously and you still may find they come out of the dryer smelling strange. This can be the detergent you’re using, water from your machine, or the status of the sheets before washing. Whatever the reason, ironing can replace any unwanted odors with a fresh, airy smell.

What’s the best way to iron cotton sheets?

Once you decide to iron your sheets, you want to know the right way to do it so you can avoid some of the pitfalls. Here are some tips that might help you smooth out your own process.

Find your best method. Because sheets can feel bulky and need a lot of space, you need to figure out the best way to proceed. You can lay your sheets across a clean rug or put something down on a floor underneath, or you can fold your sheet in half and cut down on space needed and time. Some like to iron sheets while they are still on the bed. If you choose to do this, you need to be extremely careful with how much heat you are applying to the bed. You could damage the mattress or foam beneath if you don’t keep the heat moving.

Iron when damp. When ironing, it can help to remove the sheets from the dryer a little early, so they are slightly damp. This allows the heat to really work out those creases and wrinkles and makes ironing both easier and quicker. You can also keep a spray bottle with water nearby and spritz any wrinkles that are giving you trouble.

Add starch if desired. If you’re going for that tight hotel-look, use a starch spray on your sheets. It will make them feel super crisp and look gorgeously wrinkle-free for a longer period of time.

Use the right setting. For cotton bedding you usually want to use a steam setting and make sure the heat is high. It’s always a good idea to test out a small piece of the cotton bedding first to make sure you have it set correctly.

Remember your pillowcases & shams. If you’re ironing your sheets, you’ll definitely want to make sure your pillows are looking just as crisp and fresh. Ironing these should take no time and will provide the same benefits as ironing your sheets.

Get the best quality sheets. It may seem obvious, but the best way to iron sheets is to make sure you have the right sheets to iron from the start. Lesser quality sheets will naturally break down faster and lose their softness. An iron may not be able to help delay that if the materials are not strong enough. That’s why you should always start by adding well-crafted bedding that’s made by experts and comes in exclusive styles that work perfectly for you.

You can also check our Care & Washing Instructions on the website and find out what those Laundry Labels REALLY mean!!!!