Celebrate Sleep Awareness Week, March 13-19

Sleep Awareness Week is going on from March 13–19, and who among us couldn’t use a little more rest? Fact is the average person doesn’t get nearly enough sleep and 50 to 70 million adults in the US alone deal with some sort of sleeping disorder. That’s why we all owe it to ourselves to make sure we’re sleeping as effectively as we can—especially seeing as it’s vital to our overall health and happiness.

Started by the National Sleep Foundation in 1998, Sleep Awareness Week is a dedicated time to celebrate sleep health, raise awareness, and give the public the tools, resources, and tips they need to improve the quality of their rest. Sleep is an essential function for how our body and brain performs. Studies have shown that the amount of rest you get each night can determine our mental, physical, and possibly spiritual health. Because sleep is connected to so much of what we do and how we feel, it’s imperative we do what we can to achieve a healthy sleep routine each evening. Plus, not getting enough sleep can have other drastic consequences.

Image of a sleeping womanMany studies show not getting enough sleep reduces our cognitive functions and our ability to concentrate and make good decisions. A lack of sleep/drowsiness causes a huge percentage of car crashes and crash-related deaths each year. In addition to automobile accidents, sleep is also responsible for many at-work and on-the-job accidents – some resulting in life-changing injuries, financial implications, and often both.

Another reason it’s important to stop and take note of our sleeping habits is because sleep deprivation often goes unnoticed. It’s quite possible that not getting enough sleep could be affecting you or a loved one without either of you knowing it. Lack of sleep can cause feelings of anger, sadness, and despair. It can affect our relationships, degrade our job performance, and become a major obstacle that keeps us from enjoying life. Sleep Awareness Week is an opportunity to make sure you aren’t suffering from any of this and help you take new steps towards establishing a healthier, deeply satisfying sleep routine. This could also help you keep your heart healthy, reduce stress, and maybe even lose weight. The positive benefits of sleep are powerful indeed.

And since one of the National Sleep Foundation‘s most powerful (and actionable) tips for getting a great sleep is making sure you’re comfortable and have the right support, we can help you find your best sleep with the world’s softest, most luxurious, most reliable bedding. After all, we’ve been crafting premium luxury bedding for over 50 years. During that time, we not only talked about the importance of sleep and its effects on our body and mind, but we have helped customers experience just how impactful a better sleep can be—thanks to our cozy, convenient, and surprisingly affordable products. We’d be happy to do the same for you and your family.

Check out our luxury bedding and other cozy products to achieve the sleep of your dreams.

Learn more about Sleep Awareness Week and the National Sleep Federation.

Have questions or need help finding something? Reach out to us and one of our family members will help you with whatever you need.