Whether you’re traveling for business or pleasure, changing up your environment can wreak havoc on your sleep schedule. To get the most out of your trip, and ensure you get the physical and psychological benefits of a good night’s sleep, here are some tips to travel by.
Bring Your Own Pillow
When you’re on the road, the simple act of having a pillow from home can dramatically improve your chances of sleep. There’s something comforting about its familiar feel and shape, and visually it creates a tangible connection to home, transforming a strange environment into something less foreign. Depending on your travel situation and the size of your pillow, you may need to invest in a smaller pillow, but you’d be surprised how much a quality down pillow can pack down into luggage.
Dress for Success
If you can’t bring your own pillow this is another great way to bring the comforts of home with you on your travels. Slipping into a luxury nightgown, chemise, or robe from home will help create that snug, peaceful feeling of being in your own space. Plus, the soft, breathable cottons, smooth satins, and other blissful fabrics you’ve come to rely on will be right there for the pampering.
Cover Up Any Concerns
One of the biggest deterrents to getting a sound sleep while traveling is worrying about how cleanly the sleeping space is. This is especially true in hotels where who knows how many people slept in the bed before you. One simple solution is to bring your own bedding or blanket. Replacing the sheets or laying a blanket over existing bedding will cover up any traces of former guests, and the look and feel of it will be recognizable and remind you of home. This should give you the peace of mind you need to achieve a deeper, more satisfying sleep.
Carry Colors that Calm
Between the busy roads, long flights, and unexpected obstacles, traveling can be stressful – and that stress can carry over into the night causing us to toss and turn, waking up tired and unoptimistic about the day ahead. Bringing certain colors or prints from home can help us feel grounded, even when we’re miles in the air. Science has already proven these visual cues help us feel calmer and more at peace, so why not give it a try. You can bring bedding, a pillow, even something you wear like a wrap or a shawl. Or if you need something small enough to keep in your pocket, try a luxury handkerchief. They come in a variety of styles with colors that inspire and embroideries to delight.
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Get Your Feet on Common Ground
Whether it’s from waiting in long lines or shuffling off to guided tours, traveling can take a heavy toll on those toes of yours – and sore, achy feet won’t bode well for a good night’s rest. One of the easiest and most comforting ways to help your feet recuperate from a day of travel is to bring your luxury slippers from home. Slip into these soft and cozy favorites and every step will feel heavenly. This transition will also flip a switch in your brain, letting it know it’s time to settle in and relax. In addition, slippers keep a luxurious layer between you and whatever surface you’re on, removing any concerns about cleanliness. Before you take off on your next trip, don’t forget those feet.
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