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5 Bad Bedding Habits—And How to Stop Them

Sleep is one of the most important factors in how we feel and perform in our everyday lives. Get enough of it and you’re going to be more energetic, more positive, with the mental clarity needed to shape your days the way you want. Get too little, and you could experience mood changes, irritability, and unwanted distractions like mental fatigue. Prolonged, the negative effects from a lack of sleep can adversely affect your long-term physical health as well. Making sure you are doing everything you can to get the best sleep is vital to a happy, healthy lifestyle.

That’s why if you identify with any of these bad bedding habits, we encourage you to take the simple steps needed to change them. And if you could use a little guidance, we’ll be here to help in any way with the products, advice, or support you need.

5) Not using protective layers

Protecting your mattresses and pillows isn’t hard, so why do so many people not do it? All you need is a few protective covers and you’re good to go. These protective layers guard your bed from sweat, allergens, dust mites and other unwanted germs—factors that can negatively affect the quality of your sleep and overall health. Most of these covers are easily washable, very affordable, and the additional protection will also give you the peace of mind you need to fall deeply into sleep every night.
Shop Duvet-Comforter Covers
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4) Improper Washing and Drying

There are lots of pitfalls when it comes to washing and drying your bedding. The good news is with just a little effort, your sheets, covers and other bedding pieces will come out perfect—for a deeply satisfying sleep and an attractive presentation.

Not washing sheets enough

It’s recommended you should wash your sheets once a week to remove the bodily fluids, sweat, and bacteria that settle on the fabrics. This will keep you healthy and extend the lifespan of your bedding.

Over drying sheets

Avoid over drying your sheets. This can add too much heat which can cause the fabric to dry out, reducing softness and causing long term wear and tear.

Too much detergent

Mind your detergent and be sure to follow directions on the bottle. Overusing heavy duty detergents can irritate and be too harsh for most fabrics.

Overfilling Washer

We know how tempting it can be to throw everything in at once to be done quicker, but especially with bedding, improper cleaning will leave your fabrics less effective and lessen the lifespan. Best to split it up and ensure a good solid wash cycle.

Read the labels

It’s unfortunate this one must be mentioned, but always read the label on your bedding to make sure you are cleaning and drying it correctly. Further reading on our website FAQ’s: What do those Laundry Lable Symbols REALLY mean?

3) Not Making the Bed

Do you have to make the bed? No, of course not. Should you? Well, experts tend to think so. It’s thought that the psychological benefits of having a made bed can lead to feelings of well-being, pride in one’s home, and all the benefits of a decluttered mind. Plus, nothing compares to pulling down the sheets and slipping into a made bed at the end of the day.

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2) Using the wrong style

The world made us all different for a reason. What works best for you, may not work for another. So, if you’re using bedding that does not reflect you or appeal to what you need creatively and emotionally, you could be missing out on a whole lot. Having the right colors and patterns around can affect us in so many positive ways. Similarly having the wrong ones can lead to a negative mindset—even if you’re not aware of it. Think about what makes you happy, calmer, more inspired. Once you figure that out, let us help you find it. With over 50 years of experience crafting the finest bedding, we can assure you that the many benefits you’ll experience will be worth it.

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1) Not replacing your bedding on a routine basis

Like most things in life, your bedding won’t last forever. Even the most well-crafted, well-respected bedding needs to be replaced at some point—and that includes the pillowcases. The fact is, no matter how well you clean bedding, things like sweat, bacteria and other factors can seep into the fabric making it difficult if not impossible to remove. These things can adversely affect sleep, health, and your overall well-being. That’s why the recommendation is to replace your bedding every two years, assuming proper maintenance and care.

In addition to ensuring your cleanliness, replacing your bedding can also be quite an exciting event. Variety is the spice of life after all. By adding new colors, designs, and fabrics, you can shake up the decor, add more cozy comfort, and create just the right ambience at just the right time. And because our luxury bedding comes at a great value, you really can’t go wrong.

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Check out our full selection of bedding and discover all the ways you can change your bad bedding habits and improve your everyday living. If you have questions about which bedding might be best for you, don’t hesitate to reach out to us with questions.